By Maral Babai
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With the development of technology and the rate at which the world continues to globalize, it has certainly made it easier to have a large variety of foods available to us at all times. But while we’re so fortunate to have options, oftentimes, the means by which the food is produced is highly questionable. We have chosen to sacrifice health and wholesome food for convenience. In an attempt to expand food sustainability, while trying to keep it in the most natural form as possible, there has been a push for products that are locally grown. While most of us are familiar with the weekly farmers markets that our towns boast, there are other ways to learn more about food sustainability and obtaining products that are local and in season, which are surprisingly underrated.
One movement that invites us to think about these issues more deeply is Slow Food. Founded in the 1990's, the movement is the antithesis of our desires for fast food and convenience. It focuses on promoting the importance of eating locally and in season, as well as educating people against the dangers of processed food. Slow Food is very accessible, as it has 200 chapters around the United States for people to congregate and spread news about the goodness of eating local and clean.
In addition to Slow Foods, another increasingly popular way to be mindful of eating locally and support independent farms is through Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA. This organization offers subscriptions and memberships for people to receive boxes of fresh produce, eggs, and bread on a regular basis. Their membership fees help to foster a relationship between the farmers and people receiving their products directly. This sustainable option cuts down the cost (financially and environmentally) of shipping food to farther locations. It also emphasizes the importance of eating what’s in season; further reducing the risk of purchasing genetically modified foods, or those that have been in storage waiting to ripen.
Thanks to movements and organizations such as these, it is becoming easier for us to obtain foods that have been grown with sustainability in mind. In addition, these foods also generally taste better than those we find in larger chain grocery stores. It’s important to look at what we can do to ensure the quality of what we eat and support farmers that are practicing sustainable farming.
To learn more about Slow Foods USA and local harvest in the US visit and
Maral Babai a graduate of the University of California, Irvine completed degrees in Art History and International Studies. She greatly enjoys baking cupcakes in her spare time and attending as many live shows as possible.