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Note from Publisher.                                          Note from Guest Editor.


Living in California certainly has its advantages, most notably being the radiant sun and beautiful weather.  While this reliable weather encourages many to stay active and in shape, sports and athleticism were never my particular forte growing up. I was much more interested in attending my art classess and orchestra rehersals. However in high school I enrolled in track as a mandatory requirement for graduation.  Much to my surprise, I found myself actually enjoying it. Although I was not the fastest (ok, no where near it, for that matter), it was fun!

I gradually started running several miles each day, and picked up Yoga and Pilates in college, incorporating them into my routine. Amidst the exercise came a healthy diet, although a greater appetite. I simply craved more whole foods, which in turn gave me greater energy, making me feel refreshed. The beauty of it all is that many colleagues and friends echoed the same sentiments.  This month I am excited to give you a glimpse of this world.

California is known for the intellectuals of Silicon Valley and the creative minds of Hollywood – to name a few of its many specialties.  But all over the state there is a growing emphasis on clean eating, active bodies, and general healthy living. It is this lifestyle that we explore and attempt to define in this month’s issue, MMJ. ISSUE IX: California Style: Health. We have assembled a gifted group of entrepreneurial leaders in industries ranging from Yoga, to Health Foods, to Sports Medicine – each contributing a first-hand take on how they are laying the foundation for California’s health and wellness, setting an exemplary model for the global context.


I am also pleased to announce Guest Editor as a new series to MMJ.  The Guest Editor is a recognized expert and passionate individual in their field, who contributes to the introduction and collaborates on the creation the issue. This month, noted Yoga & Wellness instructor, Monica Carrol, launched the series, with her excellent contribution, and awesome energy. 

Thank you again, to our hardworking and dedicated staff!

Roxana Vosough

“Good clean living!”   That’s what my husband and I always say.  If a bit of good luck comes our way, then we attribute it to “GOOD CLEAN LIVING!”

But what does that mean?  I imagine it would mean something different to everyone you asked, just as the definition of “healthy” differs for each individual.  You see, I have been healthy, or so I thought, for most of my life.  But I never knew what I didn’t know; so what did I in fact know?  If you’re not confused, follow me.  In the 90’s I began my quest to be healthy.  I joined a health club and began to investigate nutrition.  It led me to following the food pyramid, as most of us did.  This included plenty of empty carbohydrates.   My favorite was the ever so satisfying bagel, low to no fat (the fat free phenomenon), lots and lots of protein for muscular development and the favorite catch phrase, calories in versus calories out!  Don’t tell me you didn’t hear or do the same. 

Saturated in fitness I began putting client after client on a similar nutrition path.   I could not figure out why some people did so well and others so poorly.  I assumed they were cheating or were lazy and just didn’t want the results bad enough.  It wasn’t until I found Yoga and Ayurveda that the years of my conditioning were slowly peeled back and what I found was my own truth.

Today much of this truth has made its way mainstream and in states such as California, we are on the front line.  This truth included the realization that the food pyramid was completely misguided and, in my opinion, ultimately responsible for our failing health. I am sure you have seen it as well, with yoga and wellness studios opening all over.  California is notorious for its healthy markets, such as this month’s Moderne Day Market: Mother’s Market, which truly laid the foundation for healthy food markets in the United States.

Organic, vegetarian, and gluten free options are now prevalent on menus and even serve as themes for restaurants throughout California.  We are receiving more nutritional delivery with cold press juicing that can be delivered right to your door.  You can even find supplements that actually absorb into your system with proof. 

Though statistically the US does not rank highly in terms of perfection in health, there are seeds of light shining through in California that are creating a ripple effect internationally.  With this in mind, I am proud to welcome you – as this month’s Guest Editor – to MMJ. ISSUE VIII: California Style: Health.


Monica Carroll

​​​​​​​​​​​​Image Credit: Crisanto

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