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Philosophy |ISSUE II

By Mode-Moderne Journal

Music has shifted and reshifted throughout the centuries. At one time, live performance was the only avenue of listening to and experiencing music. Then came the inventions of the radio, the record player, tapes, CD’s, downloading, iPods; all shifting to streaming music online via YouTube, Pandora, or more recently, sharing music with friends on Spotify (mind you, I am sure I left some out).

Record labels have deviated from the norm, by giving more individual attention to their artists (where some bands go without a recording contract). Take Radiohead, for instance. The group ridded themselves of a record label and suggested donations for their album, which resulted in raising millions of dollars for charity. Popular sites like YouTube and Facebook are media outlets that artists are also using to promote their work, by sharing videos, upcoming show dates and locations and music. All these transitions and innovations prove one thing for sure: We are living in a generation of self-promotion.

What is the perception of music in today’s society? House music has taken dominance, DJ’s have taken center stage, and lyrics have become a mere background, where the beat takes a powerful presence in the foreground.

Classical music, and the beauty of strings is now embedded in rap melodies or twisted in a continual beat in Wolfgang Gartner’s 5th symphony.

Mode-Moderne Journal invites you into this discussion. We want to hear your thoughts about the philosophy of music..

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